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love this! very fun 😁 I cant wait for more so keep up the good work!! I've been trying to get the love triangle for the longest timee, but to no avail.. any tips to get it? haha :))

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i think don’t flirt with others! i did the slightly romantic but also the friendly options with lucas, then the romantic options with marc!!! the love triangle with them was the first i’ve ever gotten lolll then i was surprised when i played for the second time it was samuel and suho who offered to join mc and rebecca

 when rebecca sends the photo of the acting class choose im gonna go with you. i think marc and lucas will immediately offer to go with u guys but im not sure if theres other characters who will respond in that option (english isnt my first language sorryu :< )


it's so fun but i wish we didn't cheat on our current bf </3 even though i'm not a big fan of him either


fr :(( he’s so sweet too and the fact that it’s a bit realistic—the cheating part when you’re in a long distance relationship </33


I can't wait to buy this game. I hope the next game has pronouns

This is in my top 5 most wanted list. Cant wait for MORE <3

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so real. this easily became one of my favorites because it has everything i imagined of

u could tell i check this almost everyday ahhaahha


I really love this game, but I wish I could choose my pronouns :)


AAaa realll like at first i thought the game was gonna use they/them for me but then i just got jumpscared


Me too I was shocked when my family called me a girl 😭😭

What first game is it called please?


That's what I was thinking. I also wanna romance Rebecca or Emma.

Oh my god playing this made me on edge all the time! Like marc and Daniel are soo my type like i love nice boys! Good work on the game i hope i can see more updates later in the future! But please dont stress yourself

Omg same

i love this sm that i can’t wait for the next chapter

i check this everyday


This is too good! I'm already in love with everyone lol

Eu amei esse jogo (joguei em espanhol) e eu ainda escolho ficar com o D 🙏🩷🩷.

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stop i lgoe this sm i love the concept the characters omg everything im waiting for the next chapter aaaaaa im really torn idk who to choose daniel is like a perfect boyfriend marc lucas and samuel. im tryna find out who kissed mc and i have a person in mind

how xo u do spoiler message here

I love it, I love it :p♪

aw i wish this game was playable on webbb:((((

Necesito maaaaas, la historia está buena pero lleva muy poquito, aquí andaré esperando la actualización. Amo que esté en español, sé inglés, pero nada como leer en tu idioma principal xd

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I was going for Daniel and Nicholas haha, let's see where this goes!! I really loved it, was saddened at the sudden end lmao-  Waiting for the updates!<3

i really really enjoyed playing !! i was going for suho and/or marc, maybe even nicholas. but i think im gonna end up getting the love triangle !! haha. One question thought, do you still have the discord server? none of the links work ( it just says invalid) so i just wanted to know if there was a new link or anything. much love for this game.

Ooops, we updated the link to the Discord server! Seems like the old one had expired 😬 Hehe thank you for bringing it to our attention!

New link:

We are so glad you are enjoying the game so far ☺️ Thanks for playing! <3


Finally read the chapter 2 update and now I want MORE!


i could need a guide for i keep getting Marc & Lucas i do like them but i like Samuel more i want his part first 😭


I really enjoyed playing! Though, this is just a suggestion but it'd be really cool if there were gender neutral or male mc, it'd probably make it more comfortable for a larger audience to play!


Me acabo de hacer la teoria mas loca de mi vida. ¿Y si Nicholas si fue por el libro, pero nos termino besando/lo terminamos besando? Hace tiempo que jugue el juego, asi que no recuerdo muy bien lo sucedido. Pero se supone que él iba a buscar un libro, pero como nosotros estabamos borrachos..¿Puede ser no? Porfavor, díganme que no estoy loca. 😔


Ayuda yo también estaba pensando lo mismo!! Espero que si hubiera pasado eso 😝


De hecho respondieron a un comentario en inglés diciendo que la persona del beso dependerá de la ruta que sigas. Así que, si en los siguientes capítulos aumentas la compatibilidad con Nicholas, resultará ser él:)

Tendré que aplicar la del guardado. 🗿

Se puede jugar en iOS?


¡Hola! 🙂 El juego sólo está disponible para Android, y para PC

Raios. :(

i love it so much>u<

Devestated to find the full game isn't out yet, can't wait for the next chapters !!!

Looking forward to the update!

I'm very curious, in the subsequent branching plots, will it be whose route is followed that the protagonist kisses, or is it actually a specific person who kisses the protagonist?

Hello! 🙂 It will be the player's choices what determines which route they will be locked into, so yes, the person the player kissed/the person that kissed the player differs between routes! 🙃 MC's personality might also affect the outcome! 

Thanks for replying! I really like the game.😊

Love it Love it Love it Love it Love it 👍 Waiting for your next update, it's a masterpiece, I swear. 

Aww thank you 🥰 We are working on the rest of chapter 2 content right now!



Loved it, but wished there was an option to increase the speed of the text. I felt it was too slow.

Thanks for playing! ☺️ 

About the text speed, you can change a few options in the settings screen and use the "Skip" function: 

-Activate "Skip unseen text"

-Move the "Skipping speed" slider to minimum speed (or the speed you prefer).

-Now you can press Skip for the messages to appear faster 😉


I need more, i'm going for Nicholas and this enemies-to-lovers will be WILDD

if he's the one who kissed my mc it's gonna be so gold, the way he skipped classes for a week, and ghosted us, so amazing I luv him sm already (luv getting on his nerves) 

Haha there will be more chances to get on his nerves in the future! 😈😈

that's what i like to hear pookie ;)

Loving this game, thank you, devs!

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it is amazing to get to know various kinds of people without  definitive photograph,and the description of life is so amiable.👍while being happy to live with Samuel and Emma, I feel a little sorry for our cute sister🥺.looking forward to every update!

Hehe thank you for playing! 🩷 Sofía would definitely try to get you to move back home with her puppy eyes! 😆😅


omg!!! I LOVE THIS!! can't wait for moreee ^^
btw does anyone know games like this?

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Cybergate Technology Limited《secret relationaship》,but this serial of games do not  care too much about morality,it means that player play the field


i like game


Tried playing through it a number of times, well done so far! Updates can't come fast enough for it. :-)

I tried all sorts of different combinations of options on the playthroughs, and it always comes to the investigation starting with Marc/Lucas. I'm guessing that's scripted as part of the story? I presume who the MC actually kissed, or was kissed by, is influenced directly or indirectly by the player as they play? And if so, are the only options the guys? Rebs early into the investigation straight up says that maybe it was her, but she can't remember after having too much to drink.


Hello! Yeah, who the girls investigate first does not change even if you choose different combinations of options. But every choice the players make, and the personality they "build", will have effects in the following chapters (only one chapter and a half has been published, so it's a bit early to see the consequences for now). Chapters 2 and 3 are really important when it comes to get to one route or another! 🤭

Only the guys are available as romantic interests, Rebs was just getting a bit carried away 😂 Thanks for playing! <3


One question, every time they release new chapters, do I have to reinstall it? Would it be like deleting the game and reinstalling it? But wouldn't my progress in the game be lost? Like the level of relationship with the characters? And the personality of the protagonist? 😅

I haven't had to yet and run into any issues/errors that I've noticed between versions.

Like most RenPy games, on PC the saves are into a different folder/directory (AppData) than the game runs from so will persisi across versions unless they change something.

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Hello! We always recommend starting from the beggining after updates, but that's up to you! 😊 But please remember that TYL is still in development, so we might make some chages to the code betwen updates, and you might run into bugs if you load an old save.

Thanks for playing! 💞


I am absolutely obsessed!!!! Can't wait for an update, my new favorite game❤️❤️❤️

Thank you 😊💖

Damn I'm already excited for the next update to come out😭


I love this game so much!!!can't wait for more updates 😘😍

I felt like every man kissed the MC that night... omg this is spicy if it is true! Or perhaps it depends on what route you choose? sth like if you choose Lucas, then it was Lucas who kissed you.  Just a little guess XD

Hehehe our lips are sealed!! 🤐 Thanks for playing! <3

I would be so sad if that was the case, I personally dislike games where the past changes based on your future decisions (because that makes no sense... whoever kissed you wouldn't change based on future actions, only maybe on actions before that event).


Well, I don't mind that. I've seen some games designed like this. You can see them as parallel worlds. They already exist, your choice just leads you to different worlds.


guys please tell me if its worth playing this because i really despise cheating so i'm so iffy rn >_<

I will play it this weekend and let you know

What's the verdict doc

Just finished, but there isn't too much to tell you because only half of chapter 2 is out (so still common route). Obviously the theme is that you can't remember who you kissed that night because you were so drunk you have no idea, and now you're trying to figure it out, so if the kiss alone counts as cheating you won't like it but your character can feel really bad about it (although the game won't let you tell him just yet). You can fight with your boyfriend (unrelated to the kiss) so I'm hoping that you would be properly broken up before starting routes with any of the other boys but the game isn't out that far yet.

There are some mildly flirty options with some of the boys but they're pretty avoidable and most of the time it's really just play flirting, a lot of the characters do it with each other too.

All in all I did really enjoy the game and can't wait for more but I think not enough is out to decide how exactly it's going to deal with cheating/breakups.

Thanks so much for letting me knoww. I think I'm going to wait until the game progresses a bit further before trying it.

okok thank you my saviour


Hello! 😊 Even though "cheating" is included in the trigger warnings list, we'd like to point out that we give enough choices in the game so the player can avoid any kind of cheating (except for the initial kiss that, well, is kinda inevitable for plot reasons). 

We are obviously against any type of cheating, so even if the plot revolves around that theme, we usually don't write anything too...extreme.

If you decide to give the game a chance, we really hope you enjoy it! ☺️

I'll let you know if I end up having time to give it a go!

I think I had a lot of fun playing it. You can choose to be honest with Daniel if you hate cheating.

Does being honest with daniel change which route you go to? Like does being honest with him make it so your route is more in his direction? Or is it more like just helping with forming the mc's personality?

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I’m absolutely in love with this game! I just finished playing all the available content and couldn’t wait to write my comment!🥳

I first saw an introduction to the game on Chinese social media and thought it looked super interesting. Even though I’m pretty scared of English, I still decided to give it a try. And guess what? I had the best time during those few hours of gameplay, laughing non-stop. The MC and the other characters are so lively and fun—I especially adore their emoji and jokes!😍😍🥳🥳🤣🤣

And about the romance! That one night where a certain someone (or was it a rival?) couldn’t hold back and kissed the MC—it’s just so intriguing! That was actually what drew me in, and I absolutely love stories like this. I felt just as excited as the girls, wanting to help the MC figure out who it was! The tension in the bar scenes, where the MC tested Marc and Lucas and their reactions, was written so well. And the MC’s banter with Nicholas? Pure gold—I couldn’t stop laughing! (Honestly, Gabriella deserves a medal for putting up with all of this!🤓) and Samuel is just adorable! (Can we have the chance to see him gaming with the MC in a future update, please?) Suho’s bold move was such a highlight too—he clearly has a deep dark story…(just a joke hehehe😈)

I have to single out Daniel. Initially, I wasn’t too focused on him since I came into the game for the “friends-to-lovers” angle. But as I played, Daniel totally won me over. That scene where the MC says, “I miss you,” and Daniel almost cries at the subway station—ugh, I was so moved!😭😭 during the “cold war” phase, their heartfelt phone call really showed just how deeply Daniel loves the MC. I was honestly so touched! (Also, when the MC tried to confess about the kiss but got interrupted by an emergency on Daniel’s end—it was so dramatic and hilarious!🤣🤣 I loved it.)

The boys, the girls, the family (I especially love the dad’s typing style), and the coworkers—every single character is so full of personality. You can truly feel the love the creators have poured into them, making them so vibrant and real!🥹🥹🥰🥰

After reading your self-introduction: “Posiblemente sea por el cariño y cuidado con el que les hemos creado, pero nosotras como madres de ellos que somos, no podemos ser objetivas. Para nosotras nuestros pequeños son preciosos #amordemadre.”I just have to say—you are the most amazing creators(mothers)!🥳

As I mentioned before, I’m really afraid of English (even though I can use it), but TYL is so much fun that it helped me overcome that fear. It even made me appreciate the charm of the language! (I’m so sorry I don’t know any Spanish yet... maybe I’ll get a chance to learn someday!)

I’m already looking forward to the next updates, and I’m even thinking of drawing fan art (though my style leans more towards anime). Sincerely, thank you so much for creating such an amazing and joyful work. I feel like words aren’t enough to express how much I love this game. I’m truly honored and lucky to have played it. I’m rooting for you and can’t wait to see what’s next—please keep up the fantastic work!

Now, off to start my second playthrough!😈

WOW thank you for such a detailed review! 🥹 We feel so happy when someone notices even the smallest details we add here and there! We even teared up while reading your comment, really, thank you so much! 💗

Developing a game has it's ups and downs, but things like these are what make it all worth it. We will keep working hard to make sure you all enjoy the rest of chapters too!

Aaaand, did you say FANART?! OMG we would absolutely love that!! 🥺🥺 TYL characters in anime style?! We wanna see!! Hehe 

Thank you for putting a smile on our faces! <33

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